The most amazing thing happened today! Evan bore his testimony in Fast and Testimony Meeting. He asked Sis. C. to go up with him for moral support. He told the ward he had been searching out different religions and now he has finally "come home." Here is home he told us, I like to be here. He spoke in English and in Hawaiian. I wish we could have understood all he said. We did feel his spirit. Sometimes I am a little hesitant about bearing my testimony but he wasn't nervous at all. We gave him the Plan of Salvation lesson in Sunday School and committed him to baptism. We gave him the date of around Christmastime. He said yes and is anxious to get on with things.When we asked about the Word of Wisdom he laughed and said he drinks hot cocoa now and is working hard on quitting smoking. He told us he has had some trying experiences this week but he is being strong and is doing ok. We told him that we are all praying for him everyday and he said he was too. He is so humble and sweet, we know great things are to come for him and through him. I know he is one of the reasons we came here. How thankful I am for another great blessing. We can see the hand of the Lord in our lives and know having patience and faith are so important.
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