Papaya Man - he shares papayas with us.
Filipino Ladies - they tried to teach us how to say Hi in Tagalog. Too hard. They laugh at us.
Smiley and Friend - happy morning person.
Japanese Couple - they live in elderly housing, so sweet and always smiling.
Red Truck - lady who meets friends at the track.
White Haired Jogger - our age and puts us to shame.
Haole's with the German Shepherd - they always walk on the beach.
Man with the fussy dog.
Cul-d-sac Lady.
Lihue Bus Driver - he always says hi and honks at us.
Park Keeper and his dog.
Grandma Shuffler - sweetest little lady, are so afraid she is going to fall.
Niihau Ladies - one always wears a BYU Hawaii shirt. We try to ask her about it but she can't understand us.
Whack the Dog Lady - she made Dad and me walking sticks to protect us from all the pit bulls around here.
Japanese Lady with the little white dog.
Haole Couple with 2 dogs.
Uncle Shorty - 84 a member of our ward. He asked his friend who are those haole's? Are they waving at you or me? Finally he realized it was us. I didn't recognize you in those clothes he told us. We laughed and laughed.
All these people are so sweet and always wave and say hi and good bye to us. If we are late or not there they wonder where we are. They all know where we live and some knew when we moved. We are not strangers here and we feel lucky to have such friends.
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