Amazing isn't it? Here it is November 15
th and it is time for our second Zone Christmas picture. We had just arrived for last years picture. This picture will go in the Christmas Zone letter with the pictures of all the Zones in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. It will be sent to the families of all the elders and sisters. The sun was shining and the trade winds were blowing and it was 80 degrees.
Ahhh, remember this next November Wally reminds me. We had a wonderful Zone meeting today. Each of us had to give a 2 minute talk on one of the attributes of Christ. Wally had
diligence and I had obedience. I took oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for our weekly treat. We hope to reach our "high water mark" this month. That means that we will have 10 baptisms on Kauai. What a great group!!
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