Saturday, February 26, 2011


This week has been a little emotional for us. First, we tried to find a doctor who would look at a sore on Wally's face that wouldn't heal. We tried several and no one was taking new patients. Finally, someone told us about a new doctor in Port Allen. She took us in and had a doctor who was shadowing her look at it. It just so happened he had had a fellowship at Uof U. Well, he took a biopsy of Wally's sore and said "I'll let you know the results when they come in." The results were basal cell carcinoma. When you hear carcinoma you go into shock. Dr. Vu called back and said " I want to take some more tissue to make sure it is all gone." Then he called back and said it is too big I am sending you to a specialist in Lihue. Off we went the next day to Dr. Potter. (I had called there but his front desk said we could see him in July.) Dr. Potter took good care of us and said "I'll just take some more tissue. Don't worry, no big deal it, won't spread all is ok!" What a relief! We were ready to come home to our own doctors. I had even looked up ticket prices.

Here is the picture and the count on stitches, 9 in all. Funny doctor made Wall smile so he could see where his wrinkles were before he stitched him up so it would show too much. :) We were really blessed because tourists and insurance have really messed things up for getting into a doctor here. If you don't have Hawaiian insurance or cash up front and a primary doctor too bad. Now we have established ourselves we have doctors to go to if we need them . Whew!

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