We take the sisters to the airport when it's time for transfers because I am the resident companion for whoever stays until the new companion arrives. The out going flight is always at 6:30 a. m. so we have to be at the airport by 5:30 and it takes about 45 minutes or so to get there from here. By the time we pick up the sisters and put their suitcases in the trunk and get going it takes an hour or so. Anyway, Sister
Taputea headed back to the Visitor Center and we got a new sister. We had about three hours 'til the plane arrived so we went to
MacDonald's for egg
mac-muffins and then to
Walmart to do a little shopping. I'm sure Sister
Parkin loves hanging out with oldies but goodies! That didn't take long so we ended up parking in the cell phone waiting area relaxing until the flight came in. Only 2 transfers this time. Elder
Ence left for Honolulu and will be replaced as Zone Leader. We sure have enjoyed him. He wrote really nice things in our signing journal and even left us us business card in case we ever need our horse trained! Then it's was home to take a little nap.
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