On Thursday Bishop called and asked us to speak on missionary work. The topics were; how we prepared for our mission, teaching converts by the spirit and how we have been blessed by doing it. We had Ward Council at 7:30, Missionary Committee Meeting at 8:30, Talks at 9:00,and
yahoo 6 investigators in our Sunday School Class. We thought there would 2, a recently activated sister and Evan. We were prepared for that and just went ahead with what we were going to do because we knew that these people needed to know the basics. We had a couple of ward members sit in on the lesson and that made it perfect because they could share and bare testimony of what we said and make it pertain to real life. The spirit was so strong. We all had chicken skin. It was amazing. One of the things I talked about in Sac. Meeting was teaching by the spirit and to do that you must study the scriptures everyday and then pray for the spirit to guide you in what you do and say. What a
great testimony I have of that because of today and how our lesson turned out. You do what you do and look back and see the hand of the Lord working through you. The the greatest blessing of all! Evan had his baptismal interview today and will be baptized next Saturday. We are just thrilled!! And so is he! He has worked so hard and struggled for this great blessing and it is finally coming to pass. Oh, how thankful we are!
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