Today, as we were about to finish the last leg of our morning walk, we stopped by to say "hello" to Danny a friend we have made. We met him first because he was wearing a t-shirt that said he was a participant in the Senior Games in St. George. We told him we were from Utah and of course how much we loved to go to St. George when we could. We visit with him every so often and today he asked us if we wanted to have some of his oranges. "You can't eat them you have to juice them," he said.

We picked a grocery bag full. He told us how to just cut the top off and then juice them. Don't cut them in half then you have twice the work because you have 2 halves. Danny was up in the tree and we were going around the bottom picking. "Uncle Shorty" (he is about 85 and a member of our ward) drove by and saw us and not Danny. He figured we needed more oranges, I guess because shortly after we got home we heard "
whoee" "
whoee" and there he was with another bag of Tangelos. He was kind of shy giving them to us but it was so sweet I just had to give him a hug. Such sweet ways members show lots of aloha to us.

This is the yummy, beautiful juice I freshly squeezed today. I got about 1/2 gallon with the first bag. The Z.L.'s just happened by about lunch time. They brought pants for me to repair and when we asked them to stay for lunch they jumped at the chance. You'll never guess but they drank almost the whole
pitcher of juice.
Hmmm, sure hope I get as much from the second bag. I also made a great dessert Elder
Ence loves. It is called Love In A Dish. When I told them they could have that too they were sure they were in Heaven down here in
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