We had a wonderful Christmas Day today. The
Kershaws came down to
Kekaha for Sacrament Meeting. 17 people including 7 little ones here by 9:00 a.m. was a miracle in itself! What a wonderful meeting. Scripture and readings mixed with musical numbers in between. Bishop Akita called and asked if anyone in our family could play "Away In a Manger." I asked Mandy if anyone of them could play. She was the only one who could. She said she would play if she could practice a little. She used a Primary Song Book and played beautifully. It was great to have one of ours participate. She was very nervous but everything went well. It was fun to have our friends here meet some of our family. We hope the ward members get to meet others as time goes on. Merry Christmas to everyone at home from Wally and Me! We love you and miss you but will see you sooner than we all think. Time flies doesn't it?
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