We had a Missionary Movie Night in
Lihue tonight. All the missionaries try to bring investigators and have ward members do the same. We showed "Joseph, Prophet of the Restoration." It is the new version. The church as redone the original and it tells a little more history and from the point of view of his mother Lucy Mack Smith. It is a beautiful movie. The sisters couldn't take their investigator Keenan because they aren't aloud to take people in their car. They called us and asked us to take him. He is 20 years old. What a sweet young man. He had been to college in the US but has come home to work. He met the sisters through his neighbor and has just loved everything he has been taught. He really enjoyed the movie and we had a wonderful discussion all the way home. We found out his mother passed away when he was 16 and the Plan of Salvation really has touched his heart knowing that we will see our loved ones again and there is hope that we can all be together for eternity. Oh, how we love this gospel!
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